Archive for ‘Your Independent Word’

October 9, 2011

Bringing the End The Fed message to OccupyLA

By Jason Mahakian

October 8, 2011

 No more than 15 people along with myself from the EndTheFed Group of Los Angeles held a Protest at the Federal Reserve Branch in Los Angeles On Saturday, October 8.  I’m happy to report that there were two members of Oathkeepers with us as well.  We held our picket signs there for about an hour and a half, under the watch of private security guards, no LAPD here.  What I first noticed was that there was no signage on the building save an engraved brass door handle, obviously wanting to draw little attention to itself.   On the sidewalk, the organizer with a bullhorn led the rest of us with raised voices proclaiming various facts pertaining to The Fed, receiving support from cars that honked as they passed by.

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September 26, 2011


July 11, 2011



By Dante L. Balandra

When I hear our national anthem, I feel bittersweet about the lyrics. It is nice and comforting to listen to those words, “land of the free and home of the brave”, but a keen question still remains as poignant as it sounds… Is America really the land of the free these days? With all the government intervention and regulations, it is hard to feel free anymore. I think about growing up and listening to adults speaking about our own government and wonder, what ever happened to that government? America is rapidly turning into a government that will have their tentacle-like fingers in every capital, huge corporations, small businesses, and the healthcare industry.

From 1970 to 2001, there were a total of eight government bailouts. The total of these eight bailouts, over a 30-year span, was $347.2 billion. The Nixon administration was the first to support providing financial assistance, but congress refused to adopt the measure. When Penn Central Railroad declared bankruptcy, the Federal Reserve Board provided reserves to ensure that the effects of the bankruptcy would not damage the money market.

Beginning in 2008, government bailouts accelerated at a mind boggling pace. On September 7, 2008, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were placed under the Federal Housing’s financial agency. During the next ten months, seven more government bailouts occurred. According to The New York Times (2009), “The government has received 12.2 trillion dollars and spent $2.5 trillion”. Johnson & Kwak (2009) explained that President Obama had stated, “We are acting as reluctant shareholders, because that is the only way to help GM to succeed. What we are not doing, what I have no interest in doing, is running GM”. The restructuring of GM and the bankruptcy of the auto industry has left the government at a 60% partnership state. As the major shareholder of a corporation, how can the government not influence the interest of a company? Politicization of business decisions is the result of government ownership.

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