Archive for ‘Police’

May 8, 2012

Decriminalize the Average Man


“Outright innocence is not sufficient to escape the brutality of detention.”

If you reside in America and it is dinnertime, you have almost certainly broken the law. In his book Three Felonies a Day, civil-liberties lawyer Harvey Silverglate estimates that the average person unknowingly breaks at least three federal criminal laws every day. This toll does not count an avalanche of other laws — for example misdemeanors or civil violations such as disobeying a civil contempt order — all of which confront average people at every turn.

An article in the Economist (July 22, 2010) entitled “Too many laws, too many prisoners” states,

Between 2.3m and 2.4m Americans are behind bars, roughly one in every 100 adults. If those on parole or probation are included, one adult in 31 is under “correctional” supervision. As a proportion of its total population, America incarcerates five times more people than Britain, nine times more than Germany and 12 times more than Japan.

By contrast, in 1970, less than one in 400 Americans was incarcerated. Why has the prison population more than quadrupled over a few decades? Why are you, as an average person and daily felon, more vulnerable to arrest than at any other time?

There is a simple answer but no single explanation as to how the situation arose or why it continues to accelerate out of control. The answer: a constant flood of new and broadly interpreted laws are criminalizing entire categories of daily life while, at the same time, the standards required for arrest and conviction have been severely diluted. The result is that far too many people are arrested and imprisoned for acts that should not be viewed as criminal at all or should receive minimal punishment.

In some cases, the violated laws are so obscure, vague, or complicated in language that even the police are ignorant of them. In other cases, outright innocence is not sufficient to escape the brutality of detention.

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October 10, 2011


by Jessica Contreras

September 26, 2011


June 8, 2011


by Jonathan Boda

One of the most top-secret meetings on planet Earth is only one day away. From June 9th thru June 12th there will be an exclusive Bilderberg meeting held in the resort town of St. Moritz, Switzerland. Their exact hotel location is still, at this hour, to-be-determined. Although, there are a few leads as to which luxury lair they might be staying in. One place in particular is the Hotel Suvretta House – a tranquil, surreal place that is reminiscent of a palatial keep for the most powerful elite.

According to Jim Tucker (a veteran Bilderberg investigator and professional reporter/writer for AFP), the precise location of Bilderberg’s lavish visit to Switzerland is currently “unknown”. Jim Tucker is famous for having inside information that reaches deep within the impenetrable gates of the Bilderberg brigade. Mr. Tucker will be traveling to St. Moritz on June 8th, where he’ll set-up a base camp while commencing his latest in-depth report on the Bilderbergers and their illicit plan to ‘run things’.

You can read Jim’s 2011 Bilderberg itinerary HERE.

Furthermore, the 2011 Bilderberg meeting can easily be considered as one of their most pivotal conferences since 1954 (the year of their first, official meeting).

Who, or what, is the Bilderberg Group?

They are simply, and complexly, a hush-hush clique consisting of 130-140 members who meet annually in order to set world economic policy while brainstorming ideas for a stronger, but more stable, one world, centralized government. All members are considered to be the most influential people on the planet: the global elite.

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June 5, 2011

Tucson Murders and the Modern American Political Culture

by William L. Anderson

Originally posted on Lew

William L. Anderson

When a mentally unstable man murdered six people and severely wounded Congresswoman Gabby Giffords in Tucson, Arizona, last January, Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik was quick to blame Sarah Palin andSharron Angle for the shootings, and others like Paul Krugman also claimed that it was a political shootingorchestrated by the Right. Not surprisingly, Dupnik was the darling of the Left, as he claimed that the “lack of civility” from non-leftists.

Four months later, Dupnik’s SWAT charges gunned down Jose Guerena as they barged into his house. Guerena allegedly was holding an AR 15 (with the safety still on), and as the video in this article shows, Dupnik’s employees wasted no ammunition, firing more than 60 shots in a few seconds. Guerena was still alive when paramedics arrived, but Dupnik’s ambassadors for “civility” would not let them tend the wounded man until he was dead.

The reaction of the sheriff is most instructive. In the January incident, he openly blamed people who were not responsible for the killings; in May he denied that his office shared any blame at all in the killing of Guerena even though they fired the bullets. Guerena, according to Mr. “Civility,” totally was at fault, as Pima County SWAT officers did nothing wrong.

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May 28, 2011

Police Brutality at the Silent Flashmob at the Jefferson Memorial

Police make arrests at Jefferson Memorial on individuals who were peacefully protesting.


Adam Kokesh

Adam Kokesh was the leader of this group that protested. He ran for Congress in 2010 and drew attacks from the right for Anti-War stance. He has a radio show call Adam vs. The Man.
