Archive for ‘Jonathan Boda’

October 10, 2011


by Jessica Contreras

September 26, 2011


September 26, 2011


August 28, 2011


By Jessica Contreras Copyright 2011

July 31, 2011


By Jessica Contreras and Jonathan Boda Copyright 2011

July 4, 2011 is Officially Launched

Tilghman Media is proud to announce the debut of the political news website,

Salisbury, MD (PRWEB) July 04, 2011

Independent Word will function as an “overt operation” website, intending to debate controversial issues while bridging an alliance with news writers, reporters and commentators whose various political ideologies share the common pursuit of truth and liberty in America.

Independent Word invites conservative, liberal, libertarian and independent writers to contribute to the website and encourage participation in the discussion of the issues of today.

The website is to be headed by three individuals: John Blythe, an entertainment media entrepreneur and founder of FRI, Jonathan Boda, a writer/researcher, and Muir Boda, Vice Chairman of the Maryland Libertarian Party.

About Tilghman Media: Muir Boda is the owner of Tilghman Media, a company that operates and the forthcoming magazine “Lower Shore Rentals and More”. Mr. Boda is currently the Vice-Chair of the Maryland Libertarian Party.

About FRI: Mr. Blythe is president of Film Regions International, Inc. (FRI), a start-up production company that aims to produce high quality independent films to be marketed to festivals and worldwide distributors. Since 2005, FRI has produced and/or co-produced several low-budget feature films from various countries including the United States, United Kingdom, Canada and South East Asia. Some of the upcoming feature films on the company’s slate include My Amityville Horror, Operation Mongoose, A Reckoning, Wretched and Someday when the Rain Falls.

Visit us at:


June 8, 2011


by Jonathan Boda

One of the most top-secret meetings on planet Earth is only one day away. From June 9th thru June 12th there will be an exclusive Bilderberg meeting held in the resort town of St. Moritz, Switzerland. Their exact hotel location is still, at this hour, to-be-determined. Although, there are a few leads as to which luxury lair they might be staying in. One place in particular is the Hotel Suvretta House – a tranquil, surreal place that is reminiscent of a palatial keep for the most powerful elite.

According to Jim Tucker (a veteran Bilderberg investigator and professional reporter/writer for AFP), the precise location of Bilderberg’s lavish visit to Switzerland is currently “unknown”. Jim Tucker is famous for having inside information that reaches deep within the impenetrable gates of the Bilderberg brigade. Mr. Tucker will be traveling to St. Moritz on June 8th, where he’ll set-up a base camp while commencing his latest in-depth report on the Bilderbergers and their illicit plan to ‘run things’.

You can read Jim’s 2011 Bilderberg itinerary HERE.

Furthermore, the 2011 Bilderberg meeting can easily be considered as one of their most pivotal conferences since 1954 (the year of their first, official meeting).

Who, or what, is the Bilderberg Group?

They are simply, and complexly, a hush-hush clique consisting of 130-140 members who meet annually in order to set world economic policy while brainstorming ideas for a stronger, but more stable, one world, centralized government. All members are considered to be the most influential people on the planet: the global elite.

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May 29, 2011


On May 13th, 2011 the Texas House of Representatives passed HB 1937 (an anti-groping bill) with a cold-cock punch and a united knockout that resonated throughout the Texas State House. It was a unanimous decision – 138-0. This would’ve become a huge step into the right, ethical direction, as well as another giant leap towards liberty and the right of privacy. Texas would’ve been the first state to hammer-down the TSA and put an end to a groping-game of foolish-gunk within this particular state.

Texas Representative David Simpson

According to a press release from the office of Texas Rep. David Simpson (the author of HB 1937),

“HB 1937 would make it a criminal act for security personnel to touch a person’s private areas without probable cause as a condition of travel or as a condition of entry into a public place. This bill is not intended to contravene any federal statutes currently in place.”

The bill has since traveled to the Texas State Senate, but unfortunately a massive tyrannical wave of Federal corruption would immediately take place.

Is this groping nonsense a violation of the 4th amendment?

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May 26, 2011

Dr. Ron Paul – The man for the job

Jonathan Boda

Actually, he’s the only man for the job.

His unmatched passion has always been set to full-throttle and geared towards the restoration of our nation’s liberty. Frankly, he’s the only prominent politician whose credibility easily marks the perfect match for a promising Presidency. His enormous gains of popularity could eventually plop him into the hot seat, a position where he has the ability to oversee the emergency operation in which our nation must undergo. But without a doubt he’d possess the power to unveil the inner workings of the internal corruption. What exactly is this emergency operation? Save the nation, not enslave it.


Three words… END THE FED!

Moreover, Congressman Ron Paul is certainly waking up Americans every single day, many of whom are beginning to see that Mr. Paul is not a loon, but in fact a gentleman who walks the line and speaks the truth. He’s a real man, an honest human being unlike our current and collusive President. Let’s be honest here, Mr. Obama is a flat-out liar. Everything he promised during his 2008 campaign for ultimate power has been dumped into a recycling bin and turned into a plastic pitcher that has since been overfilled with lies. He’s the perfect puppet to represent the global elite. He’s a lavish spender, a ‘shopaholic’. He’s a criminal with a never-ending scam surrounding his administration, which is becoming more and more apparent to the American people. This nation is now, and more than ever, getting fed-up and disgusted with this sickening display of big government trying to control every aspect of our lives and liberties. Enough is enough!

Two words: end despotism…

If the Obama administration and the rest of the oligarchy members even think for a split second that they’re going to get away with these unconstitutional acts along with mass amounts of criminal activities then they’re about to get blindsided by the furiously frustrated Ron Paul supporters; the true Americans…

One word: LIBERTY!

In summation, liberty is the independent word.