Archive for ‘The Independent Word’

October 10, 2011


by Jessica Contreras

October 9, 2011

Bringing the End The Fed message to OccupyLA

By Jason Mahakian

October 8, 2011

 No more than 15 people along with myself from the EndTheFed Group of Los Angeles held a Protest at the Federal Reserve Branch in Los Angeles On Saturday, October 8.  I’m happy to report that there were two members of Oathkeepers with us as well.  We held our picket signs there for about an hour and a half, under the watch of private security guards, no LAPD here.  What I first noticed was that there was no signage on the building save an engraved brass door handle, obviously wanting to draw little attention to itself.   On the sidewalk, the organizer with a bullhorn led the rest of us with raised voices proclaiming various facts pertaining to The Fed, receiving support from cars that honked as they passed by.

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September 26, 2011


July 31, 2011


By Jessica Contreras and Jonathan Boda Copyright 2011

July 23, 2011


by Jessica Contreras by Jessica Contreras

 Copyright Jessica Contreras 2011

July 12, 2011

Barack Obama Suicide Bomber

by Mike Calpino

As the debate over the debt ceiling heats up, each side is looking for an advantage. Except for a few principled holdouts, it would appear that both sides want to raise the ceiling, again, and are using it as a huge bargaining chip. The Republicans are trying to hold the line on taxes, or “revenue enhancements”, and get major spending cuts. We shall see whether they hold fast, the last several months of capitulation don’t hold much promise. The Democrats want to keep every program and increase spending and taxes, particularly on the “rich.” It is clear that President Obama wants to tax and spend, his recent speeches have made that abundantly clear. The question is, what is the end game?

Several years ago I postulated that the Democrats would use economic crisis to remove the Republicans from contention in politics for another generation. Their ability to demonize Republicans, particularly “conservative” Republicans, has been very successful over the years. If a “compromise” is reached, which is the most likely outcome, we will borrow even more and demonstrate to the world that we have no intention of reigning in our spending and balancing our budget. The compromise will probably take the following form. The Democrats will agree to a few trillion in cuts over the next ten years, meaning we’ll only borrow an additional twelve trillion dollars instead of sixteen trillion from our children and grandchildren. The Republicans will agree to some revenue enhancements like closing loopholes. Remember, a “loophole” is a legal way to keep more of your money so read that “tax increase”. This will anger the TEA party, conservatives and libertarians among the Republican party who will either actively abandon them and go elsewhere or simply give up and stop supporting them. This will ensure Democrat victory in the near term and as the economy continues to falter under the greater debt and tax load, more dependents will be created-read “Democrat voters.”

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July 8, 2011

Gaddafi to strike at Europe?

By John Blythe

It has been nearly five months since the beginning of Libya’s unrest and going on four months since the United States initiated NATO air strikes to remove Libyan leader Moammar Gaddafi from power.

What President Obama foolishly believed was only going to be a matter of days, turned into weeks and months and Gaddafi isn’t moving. For a leader that has remained in power for over four decades, why did the Obama Administration really believe he would just quietly walk away from Libya and all of those hundreds of billions of dollars worth in oil reserves?

Just asking.

Now that NATO has killed, not only members of Gaddafi’s family and innocent civilians, it seems that the defiant Libyan leader is about to turn the tables. Maybe.

In a vaguely worded and rare television speech today, Gaddafi threatened to take the war to Europe, assumedly attacking countries that are members of NATO, specifically the United Kingdom, Italy and France. In his speech he said “Hundreds of Libyans will martyr in Europe… I told you it is eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth. But we will give them a chance to come to their senses…”

Gaddafi certainly has small support in Europe, including Russia, which continues to act more or less like a “devil’s advocate”, one minute condemning Gaddafi’s use of force, then the next minute praising him; and the dictator of Belarus, President Alexander Lukashenko, also has had a very good relationship with Gaddafi over many years.

Meanwhile, the so-called “rebels” in Libya has actually offered Gaddafi an opportunity to stay in Libya if he leaves power.  Well Gaddafi vowed to “die a martyr”. I’m sure he means it.

Honestly, Gaddafi’s threats against Europe seem to be nothing more than scare tactics at the moment. However, if he is indeed serious about attacks… well we may very be entering World War III as we know it.

July 7, 2011

August 2nd is lurking around the corner…

By John Blythe

John Blythe

August 2nd is the deadline for Congress to “raise the debt ceiling” so the United States can borrow more money and not default on its financial obligations.

Well, that deadline is now less than a month away.

Has there been any solution offered to solve the debt ceiling problem from Congress or from President Obama himself? Of course not and don’t be surprised if there is no solution.

Trying to get the Republican Party and the Democratic Party to agree on anything would be like trying to recruit Hitler to run the United States. It just won’t happen. So if this is the case, they will not do anything meaningful to address this issue. Republicans want deep government spending cuts and no tax increases. Democrats want more tax increases and no government cuts to entitlement programs. See how non-productive this is? Well, it has been going on for months now.

In fact, the faces of Washington, Jefferson, Roosevelt and Lincoln on Mount Rushmore are probably more productive at doing “nothing” than these clowns in Washington D.C.

Tomorrow, President Obama will meet with leaders in both parties of Congress to resume talks of raising the debt ceiling. Why do they keep meeting when nothing is apparently being done? If the debt ceiling is not raised, the country will default on its payments and this could potentially ruin our economy much worse than what happened in 2008. Of course just a few months ago, we were told by Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner that May was the deadline to raise the debt ceiling and he suddenly found $200 billion to extend it until August…

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July 4, 2011

Happy 4th of July

by Jessica Contreras

July 1, 2011

California to become two States?

By John Blythe

People are fed up with our government’s inability to solve problems, whether it is on the State level or the Federal level.

John Blythe

Here in California, we’ve had such a problem for many years. Gray Davis’s tenure as Governor proved to be so horrible, he was recalled by California voters in 2003 and was removed from office, and then replaced with some has-been actor named Arnold Schwarzenegger who did absolutely nothing about real economic reform in the State. Now, we have a recycled old man named Jerry Brown, who had previously been Governor in the early 1980’s, and isn’t offering anything new. The State Legislature in California has largely been dominated by Democrats favoring unions ahead of the tax payers that vote them into office.

The State has garnered a notorious reputation for being the most unfriendly business State in the entire country, hundreds of thousands of jobs are leaving the State and going to Texas where the workforce is more friendly and people pay more in taxes here than in any other State. The California Legislature also has one of the worst track records of corrupt politicians, and it would take too much time to mention them by name and what they have done to disgrace the office they held. In fact things have gotten so bad, we have suffered from a $26 billion budget deficit for well over a year, and last week, the deficit has some what closed, but nobody is for sure where that money is going to come from. The State Legislature was so inept at passing the budget by the June 15th deadline that they couldn’t even do basic adding and subtracting, which State Controller John Chiang thought was beyond absurd and no wonder Governor Brown vetoed the budget and ordered the legislature to redo it. Additionally, California has more than $100 billion in unfunded liabilities and other debts, and Governor Brown passed a law ordering to pay sales tax, which won’t happen now, because Amazon ended its affiliate program. This is what they do here in California: Impose more regulations on business, trade and commerce equals more jobs and business lost.

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